[#@graytopleft.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]   [#@graytopright.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]
[#@graybottomleft.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]   [#@graybottomright.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]
[#@bluetopleft.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]   [#@bluetopright.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]
New event time:
Examples: today 11am
tomorrow 2:15pm
friday 9am
Aug 3 2001 1:30pm
8/3/2001 4pm
2001.08.03 4pm
  (For a recurring event only - enter ending date)
Event duration: hr min    
Add event participant:  (enter E-mail address), or:

Event time(s):  [#EVENTTIMES#]
From:  [#EVENTFROM#]
Event participant(s):  [#EVENTPARTICIPANTS#]
Contents:  [#EVENTTEXT#]
    Event attachments: Size
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 Yes, I really want to do this 
  Ignore scheduling conflicts
  Ignore errors updating other participants' calendars
    (and remove those participants from the event)
[#@bluebottomleft.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]   [#@bluebottomright.gif, width="11" height="11" alt="" border="0"@@#]
